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The Power of Visualization in Learning and Higher-Order Thinking
Author: Scott Garrigan | March 7th, 2012

Do you think in words, numbers, ideas, or images? Brilliant mathematician Albert Einstein thought in images rather than numbers or text. We suspect that artist and scientist Leonardo Da Vinci also thought in images. And physicist Richard Feynmann famously was able to visualize how electrons must behave; his “Feynmann diagrams” have become legendary in their ability to convey very abstract concepts. Does everyone think or dream in images? Dr. Temple Grandin is a respected author and scientist who has built a thriving business from her visualization abilities in spite of her serious autism.

Neuroscientists tell us that roughly one-half of our brain is used in visual imagery. How can learning activities be designed to harness this tremendous resource that may be underused when lessons are heavy with text and number. If we don’t encourage visual thinking, might we be using a half-brained approach to learning?

Learn more about visualization and learning in the 4-session webinar, The VISUAL Experience, which begins on April 16. Lehigh professor and former classroom teacher, Dr. Scott Garrigan, will tie visualization to curriculum and to opportunities for deeper student engagement in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and social studies topics. You’ll see world-class simulation and visualization software in action (free for Windows and Mac) that you can try in your own classrooms. Learn how some of the greats in science, mathematics, special education, and the arts used their visual experience to learn and discover. Sign up now for The VISUAL Experience to integrate the power of images into text- and number-bound classrooms.

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