

Anytime Anywhere Learning
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1:1 Policy Decision Areas
Author: Anytime Anywhere , Learning Foundation | June 7th, 2013
Communities: 21 Steps to 21st Century Learning- Implementation


The following is a sample of important issues and ideas that should be discussed with technical and teaching staff, students, and parents to assist in the development of effective policies and ensure clear expectations around laptop use.

· Battery charging student / parent responsibility, swap out batteries, penalties.

· Backup/Data storage-division of responsibility, home vs. school (CD, DVD, Server, etc).

· Virus protection / removal (cost of re-imaging).

· Storage – mandatory v optional secure storage.

· Allocation of storage to students vs. grade level / subject selection.

· School based service / support (cost, level of support, supplier agreements).

· Transport – responsibility between home & school.

· Printing credits - school supplied vs. student purchase.

· Device model flexibility – single unit vs. limited range options.

· Service / Support policies, pricing, guidelines.

· School bags – mandatory vs. optional.

· Parental training-Mandatory vs. optional.

· Internet / network policy (in line with existing policy) home vs. school.

· Data limit for downloading vs. purchasing more credit.

· Email (Webmail-Outlook.com vs Exchange).

· Reporting lost / stolen laptops.

· Chat & Web 2.0 – allowed vs. restricted v banned.

· Electronic Games/Mp3 music files.

· Personal software policy.

· Devices left at home – spare devices, penalties.

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